Quiz on subatomic particles and atomic theory on Friday.
Starting right now, students will have a WebAssign assignment that opens every Monday morning and is due Sunday at midnight.  Instructions for WebAssign were given out in class and are found under Study Help.  Students have internet access at the school in the morning, at lunch, and after school.  If a student needs to print their assignment and turn it in on paper due to limited internet access, that is acceptable.  Contact Carr with any questions.
This week we'll be watching some video clips as we study the development of the atomic theory.  I'm posting these videos under Class Materials so you can watch them if you are absent, miss something, want to study for a test, and of course, if you just want to jam out to the totally awesome music.  Don't worry about videos 5 and 6 unless you are really having a good timeHave fun!

You have a test coming Friday 9/9.  The test will cover the following topics:
  • Scientific method including independent and dependent variables and how to graph them
  • Measurement including units, tools, and metric conversions
  • Scientific notation
  • Significant figures (watch the Brightstorm video on this if you are still lost- see the study help section)
  • Accuracy, precision, qualitative, and quantitative
  • Dimensional analysis (unit conversions)- be ready for this- there will be some tricky ones.  You will be able to use your conversion factors handout.
If you'd like practice using scientific notation, here's a good website- you can do a lesson, practice problems, or play a game to learn to use scientific notation.  Scroll down the page to get to the section on scientific notation.

Scientific Notation Help Site